Just about everyone, from the neighborhood pub to Fortune 500 companies, has a Web site these days. All Web sites are not created equal, however, and smaller operations generally don’t have the budget or expertise to create the Web sites that make money.
That’s where you come in.
By starting an Internet marketing consulting business, you can tap into a potential gold mine by doing small business Internet consulting. While just about every business can benefit from having a Web site, they can benefit even more by having a good Web site — one that’s attractive, easy to navigate, reliable… and actually makes sales! It’s not a hard game to get into, all you need is a basic understanding of marketing and a few Web site building skills.
The truth of the matter is that online searches are becoming the preferred method for customers to select where they’re going to eat, get their oil changed, buy some flowers for their significant other, and every other conceivable service. Establishing a strong Web presence is vital for the survival and growth of just about any business, so there’s a fantastic amount of profit to be made in small business internet consulting.
Online marketing presents an incredible opportunity for small business, as it’s cheaper and more effective than traditional forms of advertising.
A giant untapped market
There are millions of small businesses around the world, creating a vast market for for professionals skilled at writing, graphic design and Web site creation and maintenance. Maintenance is a key word in the Internet marketing game, because by creating an ongoing demand for your services, you can create recurring income that can help propel your business to long-term prosperity. There currently aren’t many Internet marketing consulting firms out there, so there’s a tremendous opportunity out there for those who are bold and quick.
Find a mentor
The great thing about internet marketing consulting is that it’s a new frontier. There’s no formalized training or school you have to complete. The only requirement is competence and moxie. The best way to get in the game is to find an established web marketing consulting professional and have him or her mentor you and help you attain the skills you need to be a successful online marketing consultant. Use Google to check your potential mentor’s credentials, and if he or she checks out get onboard and get ready to make some money.
Source by Kyle Tully