Stand Out Naturally As a Small Business Owner

I work with a lot of small business owners just like you. Many of you share a common problem: the belief that the only way to success is to follow the corporate model and “hide” your true self from clients. That you need to adopt a sterile, professional persona, and reserve the real you only for play.

Nothing could be further from the small business truth.

In order to be successful on your own terms, it’s vital that you forget everything you’ve learned in the corporate arena about how to present yourself as a business owner. Success is not one size fits all. It comes in as many different sizes as there are small business owners. Decide for yourself what success means to you and move toward that. Create a version that fits with your own values, dreams and lifestyle hopes.

Potential clients are most likely to work with you when they sense you are being your natural self. The product and price will take a back seat to the genuineness. Today more than ever, clients want to work with real people, people they can know, like and trust.

Try stepping into your client’s shoes. Can’t you tell right away when a business owner you’re considering working with seems artificial? Don’t you want to escape without signing on the dotted line?

Find true small business success by being yourself, by standing out as the natural star that you already are. Your brilliant light will attract clients who want to work with someone just like you!

Source by Giulietta Nardone

Diana McCalpin is an accountant who manages a Certified Public Accounting Practice in Laurel, Maryland which performs audit, accounting and tax services to customers. She loves to share information with clients to help them grow their businesses and be profitable.

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